Since I am having to prepare this issue as well as the two preceeding ones here in May in the last few weeks before leaving on my long trip I am not only swamped with things to do but am sort of dry of ideas for the usual kind of editorial. Moreover, time won't wait while I think one up. However, there are several shorter matters that I've been going to write something about so I think I'll just do them all together here this time and leave the slate clear for telling you about the trip experience in No. 87. I trust you won't mind my handling it this way.


As most of you know, I took a long course of hormone tablets (no shots) for about two years ending about three years ago. When I had achieved about a B cup, and having seen all of the paintings and statues of the great artists and sculptors of Europe on my visits to the Louvre in Paris, the Palace of the Medici in Florence and the British Museum, and finding that the ideal female form in all cases had about a D cup, I decided to quit at that point. So I stopped taking the pills and over the last three years have sporadically taken them for maybe three days and then would forget them for three months. In effect I haven't had any hormones to speak of for about three years. My breasts have not appeared to reduce any in size. However, in the beginning they were more firm and "new." Now that I've had them for about four years they are less firm and softer but about the same total size.

Well, I got to thinking the other day that maybe I ought to go back on hormones in order to firm them up and to counteract any tendency for them to reduce in size as they do with females after menopause. But since I couldn't make myself stay on any pill-taking routine I decided